Friday, January 7, 2011

Love is a Battlefield!

It's taken me a while to get to the 'love' post, mostly because I really didn't know what to say or I wanted it to be profound. So, I'm just going to keep it basic.

People say love is the greatest thing in the world. Isn't it ultimately what everyone wants in life? I mean sure, a great job, a big house and fun holidays are great, but isn't love what it's all about. Having someone to share the ups and downs in life. To hold, to laugh with (or at), to cry, to have secrets with.

To be honest, I wouldn't know. I've never been in love. Or even close. Yes, there have been boys that have come and gone, but no one special.

I am pretty much the only single person left out of my group of friends and family. Most of my friends have been in serious relationships since school so when it comes to talking about meeting people, they admit they have no idea how to do it. I have a close group of friends and we all grew up together, so I know most of their friends, and even their boyfriend's friends. The option of finding love with any mutual friends is pretty much out of the question.

One of my goals this year is to fall in love. I know that might sound crazy because you can't force love but I figure if I put it out to the universe, I might just get lucky.

How am I going to find love? I have no freaking idea! If I knew this, I probably would have found love before. But there are a couple of things that I will try to do that just might help:
  • Be more open to who and what my friends suggest - they will sometimes say they know someone "and he's the nicest guy" and I automatically say no because blind dates are just not for me - yes I've tried it and it was tragic!!
  • Flirt more! I want to flirt with guys that I just meet on a daily basis, even if I'm not attracted to them or there's no chance anything more will happen, I think I just need to practice flirting. Plus it might give them a little ego boost too!
  • Be more involved in extra curricular activities - my life is fairly routine and I really don't meet many new people. I've wanted to find a hobby to take classes or volunteer with or something that will take up some of my time (preferably something health/fitness related) and will open up the options of meeting people.
Are you in love? If so, how did you find love? Have any hints/tips/suggestions for me (and others) in finding love?


  1. I don't think you "find" love...I think it has to find you! For many of my friends who were attached while we were younger and still in school....they are unhappy or getting divorced! So not being alone is not always Love either...

    I don't have any advice except to not ever settle! Be open to love finding you instead of searching for it...

  2. I have started a blog too but its still in kind of construction mode at the moment haha... so please check it out when I do get blogging

    I really wanted to comment on this post though, I think going on blind dates rarely works out but there are exceptions of course. I think meeting new people is the best idea but please don't put pressure on yourself to find "the one". There is no point forcing something that isn't there. Just go with the flow try new things and you'd be surprised what happens come out of it.
